Friday, September 19, 2014

SharePoint 2013 - Setting up folder level Alert

If you are looking to set alerts for a specific folder and its contents, then please follow the steps

1. Look at the folder you want alerts on, from within the library, don't go into the folder.
2. Click on the '...' setting button for the folder you want an alert on
3. Click on the next '...' button and choose 'View Properties'
4. You should now be looking at the properties of the folder you want an alert on
5. Press the 'Alert Me' button from the ribbon.
6. Please Ensure the Alert Name includes the Document Library and its folder name . ex: Documents:Images
6.  Click on OK.

This should set the alert on the folder only, not the parent library.

Happy Browsing!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

SharePoint 2010/2013 - To hide header ribbon row on the custom model dialog .

In many times, we want to hide the ribbon (with edit or other options) from the popup or some pages of SharePoint pages. In order to hide such cases, here is the quick fix.

Add the below code in the script editor . In order to apply this in generic, try a common JS file or may be a text file and then load in the pages using CEWP or script editor webpart

height:0px !important;

Happy Browsing!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Simple marquee to slide text on mouse hover to start/stop text with anchor tag.

Add the below code in HTML/ CEWP to slide the text left to right. you can also include teh text from Object Model to display dynamically from List.

<div align="center" >
                        <marquee scrollamount="3" style="color: #900000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px;    width: 600px;">
<a href="#" onmouseover="this.parentNode.stop();" style="font-size:18px; color:#900000; font-weight:bold;" onmouseout="this.parentNode.start();">Simple marquee. On mouse hover to stop.</a>

Happy Browsing!

Friday, September 5, 2014

SharePoint 2010/2013 - To hide the List from view lists page.

Many times we create so many list and if we want to hide the list being appear in the setting.aspx page then below steps can be performed.

To Hide List From viewlsts.aspx
  • Open the Site in the SharePoint Designer
  • Select the list which you want to hide and open its setting page section
  • In the settings section >> General Section  - Check the "hide from browser" option
  • Click on Save.
To UnHide List From viewlsts.aspx
  • Open the Site in the SharePoint Designer
  • Select the list which you want to hide and open its setting page section
  • In the settings section >> General Section  - UnCheck the "hide from browser" option
  • Click on Save.

Happy Browsing!